Jack Byno Dallas Traffic Warrant Roundup Lawyer
The Dallas Traffic Warrant Roundup Lawyer has helped many people avoid arrest by quickly posting their bonds to the court. Our law office, Jack Byno & Associates, works quickly and effectively to help improve the lives of our clients in the best way we know how. During this Great Texas Warrant Roundup, you’ll find an onslaught of police cars, motorcycles, and officers on horseback pulling over residents in Dallas County. This is from a concentrated effort from all departments in search of anyone that may currently have an overdue traffic citation. If you can get the help you require during this time by contacting our law office, do not hesitate to do just that. You may stop by in person, but we understand if you want to avoid the roads. There’s also the option to contact me by phone or even by filling out an online information form.
With the accomplishments of his career that spans for over 25 years, Jack Byno can confidently take on cases and walk into courtrooms expecting results. His esteemed insight that he can apply to your case stems from his former occupation as a municipal judge. Upon realizing he might best perform a service to the residents of DFW by defending them himself, he has chosen to come to the defense of the many with overdue moving citations. When you hire our service, he and the rest of our lawyers are capable of reviewing your case with you and discovering what options you’ll have available to take, so contact me to find out more.
Contact Jack Byno at office
Bonds Posted and Warrants Lifted in Dallas
Many people attain a warrant in Dallas, but so many do not know how the situation escalated so quickly. What was once a mere traffic citation one day may have turned into a beast of a problem the next day in Dallas County. Be cautious, for, as officers are already on the hunt for past due violations, you may be just the person they’re looking for. The Dallas Traffic Ticket Attorney will want to get the process started quickly for you when you first hire their services. They’ll take you citation number and retrieve your case information to complete your bond paperwork. If you do not have that ticket number, there is nothing to worry over. Our law office can still contact the appropriate court to resolve the issue. Whether you’re connected with the Dallas County Justice of the Peace Court or the Dallas Municipal Court, we can easily call and get the info required. Along with a letter of representation, we’ll send the bond off to the court via standard United States mail delivery. Whenever a client needs the letter sent sooner, we can allow them to pick up the documents and make the delivery the same day.
Receiving your paperwork, the warrant will be lifted by the court, but the matter isn’t over with yet. A new appearance date will be established and our lawyers will act on that day when it rolls around. As stated before, we go in place of our client each time we are allowed. Doing so in the past, we were able to show up before the judge, negotiate with the prosecution, plead the case, and receive the verdict. Such outcomes will then be explained via a letter sent to your home address. Keep in mind though, any court fees accumulated are separate from attorney fees you have paid to us. To see what all out law firm can do for you as well, contact me now.
Dallas Speeding Ticket Warrants Lifted
Speeding citations range depending on whether you carry a Commercial Driver’s License or a Class “C” Driver’s License. For the former, you may be dealing with a serious or a non-serious offense. In the case that the charge is more severe, we may be able to look into lowering it. Even for non-serious CDL traffic warrants, the Dallas Speeding Ticket Attorney is likely able to post bond quickly (whether you’re in jail or not) and fight for a higher likelihood of dismissing it altogether in Dallas. For the latter type of driver, you’ll find that we have a history of success stories that only embellish our ability to help in cases similar to your own. We are more than willing to discuss what option are available for you to pursue in the court of law if you wish to contact me today.
Attorney Lifts Dallas CDL Warrants
Truckers have a long list of reasons why they might have left their ticket to go past its court appearance date in Dallas. These can range from the potential loss of their income to the inability to pull away from their hectic delivery route in order to make it on the appropriate date. With the Dallas CDL Defense Lawyer here at our law firm, Jack Byno & Associates, frequently going to the courtroom in clients’ places and removing warrants fast, you have no reason to wait longer. Our attorneys will even fight your moving citation after your bond is posted in order to bring a resolution to your case once and for all. We have represented CDL drivers for decades and know how to massage the system to benefit those truckers. See what we can do for you when you contact me now.
Alias and Capias Warrants in Dallas
The past due citations, as mentioned above, would result in an alias status. The Dallas Traffic Warrant Roundup Attorney can and wants to help you in such circumstances. You cannot have entered “no contest” or “guilty” as your plea, nor have already had your day in court to consider out attorneys in Dallas. If your warrant is in capias status though, we must refrain from participating in your case. Those are issued after already losing a case, so a lawyer cannot alter the verdict from what is already set forth by the judge. Contact me to see if we can take on your case today.
Contact A Dallas Traffic Warrant Roundup Lawyer
Hire the team of defenders who have a successful repertoire in satisfying their clients’ needs. We might be able to attend court and gain results you didn’t even think you had a chance of achieving. You must hurry, for every second that you let your warrant stand in Dallas County, you’re allowing the police to come even closer to locating you. If you need your issue resolved and your bond posted quickly, contact me, the Dallas Traffic Warrant Roundup Lawyer, now.
Reach out to Jack Byno & Associates by calling our office
About Dallas, Texas:
– The world’s first microchip was created in Dallas.
– Mariano Martinez came up with the first frozen margarita machine, which made its debut in Dallas in the 1970s.
– The Dallas Zoo originally only had deer and mountain lions when it first opened.
Visit the following link for the official website for the City of Dallas.