If you are written a traffic ticket by law enforcement in North Texas, you may be interested in challenging it in hopes of keeping your violation off your driving record. If you are, you may seek professional legal counsel in doing so. This counsel may be provided by Jack Byno & Associates. We are a traffic ticket law firm with over 20 years of experience in North Texas, and our traffic attorneys have defended against citations written to both Class C and commercial motorists.
In the case that you do not respond to your North Texas traffic ticket by its specified due date, the Justice Court or Municipal Court associated with your traffic ticket may find cause to issue you a traffic warrant. An active traffic warrant out for you may eventually lead to your arrest unless lifted. If you are hopeful to get your warrant lifted, but seek help in doing so, pick up the phone and get in touch with Jack Byno & Associates. If you are eligible, there is a chance that our traffic attorneys may post bond for you and lift your North Texas warrant for you. This way you may be sure to avoid arrest, and may also be represented by us later in court. Please contact me to find out more today.