I am Jack Byno, a traffic ticket lawyer with over 20 years of experience in North Texas. From my office located in Tarrant County, my colleagues and I work to defend against traffic tickets written to Class C and CDL drivers. Maybe you are one such motorist recently written a CDL violation by police in Tarrant County. You may have been for a moving violation on the highway, or maybe for a vehicle-related offense at a D.O.T. stop. No matter the reason behind the issuance of your Tarrant County CDL violation, if you are interested in challenging your charges in hopes of defending your clean driving record, you may seek counsel in doing so from Jack Byno & Associates.
In Tarrant County, Texas, when a driver is written a citation by police for violating traffic law, that driver is expected by the courts to respond to their charges in due time. If you have been written a CDL violation in Tarrant County, but allow your charges to go past due, do not be surprised if the Tarrant County Justice of the Peace Court issues you a traffic warrant. A traffic warrant issued for you is a warrant for your arrest, and unless you make sure that it is lifted, it may eventually result in your arrest and incarceration. In a worst-case scenario, you could even lose your job as a CDL driver. That said, in the case that you are a qualified driver, Jack Byno & Associates may be hired to lift your warrant for you, and post bond for you as well. Please contact me today to find out more.