Richardson Traffic Warrant Roundup Lawyer
Richardson, Texas Traffic Court Attorneys
I am Jack Byno, a traffic ticket lawyer that defends clients with City of Richardson Warrant Roundup issues. If you have a received a traffic ticket from a Richardson police officer and failed to appear in court on time, then you are now “wanted.” Yes, wanted as in the posters. Richardson along with hundreds of other cities participates in the Great Texas Warrant Roundup. In plain English, they are actively seeking to arrest every person they can find with a traffic warrant. Don’t become a statistic of the Richardson Warrant Roundup! Contact an attorney to post bond and lift your Dallas County warrants.
More about Richardson traffic tickets.
Has Your Richardson Speeding Ticket Gone To Warrant?
Richardson, Texas has US 75 (also known as Central Expressway) running right through the middle of it. You might think that Central may be the ideal place for the police to right speeding tickets, but that is not where most of them are written. It has been my experience that most of the speeding tickets written in the City come on the service (or frontage) roads alongside the highway. People exit the highway and are still traveling at a high rate of speed as they come down the exit ramp. And that’s when the police get them for speeding. If you have received a speeding ticket and it is now in warrant, our attorneys can post bond, lift the warrant and plead your case. Please take note, the Richardson Judge requires that the defendant be present in court, if the case has been in warrant, in order for you to qualify for deferred disposition. Contact me to remove your name form the Warrant Roundup lists.
More about the Texas Statewide Warrant Roundup.
Navigating The Richardson Warrant Roundup
As mentioned above, it is the policy of the Richardson Municipal Court judge to not give probation to a defendant, unless that defendant appears in court after removing a warrant. Our attorneys can post bond and lift your warrant. We can appear in court to plead your case to the best deal possible without you being present, but it will not be a deferred disposition unless you appear with us. Normally, the court will set a hearing date about one week from the time the bond is posted. So long as you are present with your lawyer, and otherwise qualify for probation, it is usually not a problem for us to help you keep the traffic ticket off of your driving record. Contact me to discuss the details about removing your name from the Richardson Warrant Roundup.
More about the Approaching Warrant Roundup.
Irving Traffic Warrant Roundup Lawyers
The Richardson Warrant Roundup is approaching and the police will be actively looking for people with traffic warrants. The attorneys of Jack Byno & Associates can post a bond and lift your warrant. Our lawyers can also help you with speeding tickets, CDL violations, and defending driver’s license suspensions. Contact me if you have a traffic warrant in Dallas County.
Special note : The statewide warrant roundup has begun! There are a lot more cities participating in the Great Texas Warrant Roundup.
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