More Than
20 years


Prairieville Speeding Ticket Attorney

Prairieville Speeding Ticket Attorney

By hiring the Prairieville Speeding Ticket Attorney, you’ll get the law office that has regularly gained the results many Class “C” and CDL clients look for. Jack Byno & Associates work diligently for each client we take on. Throughout the over 25 years we have spent representing Kaufman County residents, we often are able to find the final resolution that has allowed man to walk away from their charges with a peace of mind. This often means a dismissal for many cases. For those who cannot attain such a result outright, there might be the chance to reduce charges through plea negotiations. You may also retain us for a trial at your choice. To see what options you have available to pursue, contact me at this time.

As a former municipal judge, Jack Byno has proven himself effective at often resolving speeding citations to best benefit each person that we can. Having accomplished this for more than 25 years, this former municipal judge has allowed many people to keep their jobs, reduce fines, and even be able to skip court dates whenever the situation allows for it. Should you wish to see what can occur for you as well, call us by phone, pay us a visit in person, or complete an online form located over on our contact me page today.

Contact Jack Byno at office

Prairieville Speeding Ticket Please and Trials

Whenever a speeding citation is allowed to sit past its court date, then a warrant will be out for your arrest. The Prairieville Traffic Ticket Attorney can often be hired to take on such cases, where we will immediately set out to post your bond fast. We do this by asking for your citation number, but can still work with those who don’t have that number handy. In those situations, we’ll call the local municipal court if you dealt with that city’s police department initially, or the Kaufman County Justice of the Peace Court should you have originally interacted with any other form of law enforcement, such as campus police or the county Sheriff’s Deputies. Once your information is received, we will complete your bond paperwork for you and send it off to the courts along with a Letter of Representation requesting a new court date. As that date approaches, we will see if the prosecutor will listen to plea negotiations in an attempt to reduce charges and keep them off of a driving record in exchange for a probation and/or a Driver’s Safety Class to be completed. Otherwise, we’ll square off with them on that appearance date, enter a plea with the judge, and then details those results in a letter sent to your home address. To see what all can be done for you, do not hesitate to contact me today.

Prairieville CDL Speeding Tickets Defended

With the Prairieville CDL Defense Lawyer on your side, you’ll gain the law office that has dealt with hundreds of “serious” and “non-serious” speeding cases for truckers. We understand that many people might be out of a job if they gain a guilty conviction on their driving record, but luckily Jack Byno & Associates have regularly been able to help countless over the road truckers avoid such a fate. We will even see if we can make your court dates in your place so that you may stay remote and continue making your deliveries without interference. See how we might be able to help you today by taking the time to contact me.

Prairieville Lawyer Posts Bonds and Lifts Warrants

The Prairieville Speeding Ticket Attorney can be hired to assist with alias warrants as long as you haven’t entered pleas of “no contest” or “guilty” in person or by mail, nor have gone to trial. You can identify which you have by the way you received them. One in alias status is gained by allowing a speeding citation to sit past its court date. One in capias status in given to those who went to a trail, lost, then did not follow through with completing their verdict. These cannot be assisted with further by our law office. Instead, you will have to either complete that verdict or go to jail for the specified amount of time. Contact me to find out more.

Attorney Posts Bonds for Great Texas Warrant Roundup

As the Annual Warrant Roundup is underway, officers of the law will be seeking out anyone they can with a past due speeding ticket. Should you be in such a situation, then do not delay in gaining the assistance of the Prairieville Traffic Warrant Roundup Attorney. Countless people will be thrown in jail from something as simple as inaction over the traffic violation. The police have a mission to clear out their wanted database of all names, and they will take more aggressive tactics in order to accomplish this goal. Should your name be on their list, they will have enough of a reason to take you in from something as minor as going one mile over the speed limit or eating while driving. Even if you think you can stay off the roadways, they have been known to look up where someone lives, works, or even attends school in order to approach them in person. See how we might be able to help you before an officer located you by taking the time to contact me now.

Contact A Prairieville Speeding Ticket Attorney

By hiring on the assistance of our law office here at Jack Byno & Associates, many residents of Kaufman County found their ideal legal representation that not only often achieved the outcomes they desired, but also put their best foot forward in helping them. We have even saved some people thousands of dollars more than what it cost to hire us. To see how we might be able to help you too, contact me, the Prairieville Speeding Ticket Attorney, and speak with one of our legal representatives today.

Reach out to Jack Byno & Associates by calling our office

About Prairieville, Texas:

– There are reportedly 50 residents living in Prairieville.

– In 1848, the original Anglo-Saxon settlers founded Prairieville, TX.

– Prairieville is over 300 feet in elevation.