CDL Drivers Opt To Challenge New Hope Traffic Violations
Each and every day in the Collin County town of New Hope, Texas, Class C and commercial drivers alike are pulled over by police and written traffic tickets for offenses committed. It can be a stressful event to be written a ticket by police, no matter whether you were charged with speeding or any other minor traffic event. But it is perhaps more trying to be written a traffic ticket as a CDL driver than as a Class C driver. This is for the fact that CDL holders, who include truckers, bus drivers, and other professional motorists, are generally required to maintain their clean driving records for work purposes. If you are a CDL holder hopeful to keep your record spotless, you may want to consider challenging your New Hope violation, rather than plead guilty to it. Challenging your violation is not something that you must attempt to accomplish on your own. It is your prerogative to seek professional legal assistance in doing so.
Jack Byno & Associates is a North Texas-based traffic ticket law firm that may be able to provide you with that assistance. For over 20 years, we have defended commercial and Class C motorists alike in Collin County against traffic and city ordinance violations written to them by police. We may do so for you by either a) seeking you a plea deal in court, in lieu of points added to your driving record, or b) fighting your New Hope charges in an official trial setting.
(Please note: Should you opt to seek a plea agreement, you may not be required to appear in court with us as we plead your case. While your case remains active, however, and should you continue to drive with your CDL, we would advise you to be aware of D.O.T. stops along your work route. Should you opt for a trial instead, be prepared to appear in court with us.)
Considering Challenging Your New Hope CDL Violation?
Contact me, attorney Jack Byno || 817-685-0912
There’s more to learn about your Collin County CDL violation
Has Your Overdue New Hope CDL Violation Gone Into Warrant?
Having been written a CDL or trucking violation by law enforcement in New Hope, Texas on a recent occasion, you understand that you must respond to your violation in due time before it goes past due. If you do not respond to your charges, neither challenging them nor even pleading guilty, you can expect to be penalized by the New Hope Municipal Court. The court, which does not tolerate overdue citations of any kind, may be prompted to issue a warrant for your arrest as a penalty. Your arrest is unfortunately inevitable once a traffic warrant has been issued for you, and may only be avoided if you act quickly to ensure that your traffic warrant is lifted. If you are hopeful to get your New Hope warrant lifted, but feel that you would not be able to do so by yourself if you tried, pick up the phone and call Jack Byno & Associates. A traffic ticket law firm with over 20 years of experience in Collin County, we offer to post bonds and lift warrants on behalf of our eligible clients, among other services provided. If we are able to lift your outstanding New Hope warrant and are also able to post bond for you, you will no longer have to concern yourself with the possibility of arrest, and your career as a CDL driver may be defended by us later in court.
Take Action Today to Get Your New Hope Warrant Lifted
Contact me | Attorney Jack Byno | 817-685-0912
More info on New Hope traffic warrants lifted
(Related: the Great Texas Warrant Roundup)