More Than
20 years


Collin County Cdl Defense Lawyer

Attorney Defends Against Collin County CDL Violations

The Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno is a North Texas-based traffic ticket law firm with more than 20 years of experience in Collin County. We have defended both Class C motorists and CDL drivers in the Collin County Justice of the Peace Court, working hard to protect our clients’ driving records against points. Perhaps you are a truck driver, bus driver, or other professional motorist, and hold a commercial driver’s license for work as such. If so, you most likely also make it a point to maintain your clean driving record. In the case that you have been issued a CDL or trucking violation in Collin County, and are considering challenging it rather than pleading guilty and allowing points to blemish your record, the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno may be of service to you. We may be able to help you challenge your violation in a court of law, in hopes of defending your clean record.

Contact me | Attorney Jack Byno | 817-685-0912

Interested in Fighting Your Collin County Trucking Violation?

Perhaps you are an interstate trucker, school bus driver or other professional motorist who holds a commercial driver’s license for work purposes. As a CDL holder, you must maintain your clean driving record as proof of your ability to drive responsibly while on the job. While working recently in Collin County, Texas, were you pulled over and written a CDL or trucking violation by a law enforcement official who discovered you to be violating traffic law in some way? If so, you may now be hesitant to plead guilty to your charges, as points would be added to your driving record if you do so. You may also be hesitant to challenge your violation on your own, but keep in mind that you do not have to by yourself. Remember that Jack Byno & Associates may be able to assist you in defending your clean record and means of living in the Collin County Justice Court, by either pleading your case for a deal or fighting it at trial. While our attorneys may even be able to appear in court for you if you are otherwise occupied by work obligations, we would still advise you to drive safely and remain aware of the occasional D.O.T. stop.

Contact me for aggressive representation | 817-685-0912

Collin County CDL Warrants Lifted with Lawyer’s Help

It is the responsibility of all licensed drivers, whether Class C or CDL, to obey traffic law at all times while behind the wheel. If you disregard traffic law, and are caught doing so by police in Collin County, you may very well be subjected to a traffic stop and written a ticket for your offense. Once written a citation, it then becomes your responsibility to respond to your violation by the date it is due, by either pleading guilty to speeding or by challenging your violation in court. If you do not see through this responsibility, and your ticket becomes overdue, the Collin County Justice of the Peace Court may be prompted to issue a warrant for your arrest. An arrest warrant issued for you is just as serious as it sounds and, unless lifted, may very well result in your arrest and imprisonment. If a traffic warrant is now out for you in Collin County, and you are afraid that it will soon result in your arrest and incarceration, consider getting in touch with the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno before your fears become a reality. If your Collin County CDL or trucking violation is now in warrant, we may be able to get that warrant lifted for you, and post bond for you as well as a promise to represent you later in court.

Let Me Help You With Your Collin County CDL Violation

Contact me today || Jack Byno || 817-685-0912

Learn more about CDL violations and how they may be challenged