Dallas Warrant Roundup Traffic Defense Attorney
Jack Byno Dallas Warrant Roundup Traffic Defense Attorney
By retaining the Dallas Warrant Roundup Traffic Defense Attorney, you’ll be getting the assistance of a law office with over 25 years of experience of posting bonds. Here at Jack Byno & Associates, whenever we take on the case, we will immediately set out to quickly and remotely lift someone from there wanted status. This will be especially crucial as the rate Texas Warrant Roundup is currently underway in Dallas County. As officers are making their rounds, they will be keeping a close eye out on the local roadways in order to make a stop for any small infraction, from eating while driving to going one mile over the speed limit. If they stop you and identify you as someone with a past due moving violation, then you’re much more likely to end up in jail at this time. To avoid incarceration due to your wanted status, or to potentially get out of jail, hire our law office today by utilizing information on our contact me page.
With more than two and a half decades of experience under his belt, Jack Byno is the former municipal judge that is well adept at handling a large variety of Class “C” and CDL cases throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. With him on your side, you can be sure that we will not only be able to post bond past, but also seek out the proper resolution the best benefits you. We will also look for ways that we can take on as much work as possible in order to give you the ease of mind while the legal proceedings are active. We might even be able to attend court dates in your place, thus allowing you the day off. To see how we might be able to better assist you, contact me by completing one of our online form is linked to this page, call us up my phone, or visit us in person.
Contact Jack Byno at office
Bonds Posted and Warrants Lifted in Dallas
A bond is posted by the Dallas Traffic Ticket Attorney as soon when we are hired on. We’ll ask you to give us your citation number. If you do not have that number, then we will be able to call the Dallas Municipal Court for those who received a traffic violation through the local police department, or that Dallas County Justice of the Peace Court for those who dealt with any other form of law-enforcement in the area. Once we complete the paperwork we will send it off the standard United States Postal Service mail delivery, but you may expedite the process by hand delivering the paperwork yourself after arranging a pick-up with our law firm. Once received, a new court date will be requested and we will make plans to attend on your behalf once it’s established. After presenting your case and pleading with the judge, the final results will be given and we will detail them in a letter sent to your address. If the courts fee is incurred, know that they are separate from attorney fees that are paid for our legal aid. For more information, feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience.
Dallas Speeding Ticket Warrants Lifted
Attaining a speeding violation and allowing it to go past due, resulting in a warrant, is a regular occurrence in the North Texas area. Having dealt with hundreds of Class “C” and CDL cases involving such warrants, the Dallas Speeding Ticket Attorney is well acquainted with dealing with such circumstances. As well, we know how to regularly gain the results that’s many people seek out. That means that many people are regularly able to gain a dismissal of their charges, while several others have found that their offense can often be reduced and kept off a driving record through all the negotiation tactics. If you feel the trial is best suited for your case, then you may also retainers for one. See you what option is best suited for you by taking the time to contact me.
Attorney Lifts Dallas CDL Warrants
As a long haul trucker, you might feel temptation to put off dealing with traffic citation due to the fact that facing it and gaining a guilty outcome on your driving record might result in potential unemployment. The Dallas CDL Defense Lawyer is familiar with how to deal with such cases, for we have been representing Commercial Driver’s License holders for more than 25 years. Throughout that time, we have been able to allow many to keep their jobs to this day, and have regularly been able to go to court dates in a client’s place. To see how we might be able to do the same for you, contact me at this time.
Alias and Capias Warrants in Dallas
To be able to hire on the Dallas Traffic Warrant Roundup Attorney, your warrant must be in alias status and you cannot have entered a plea of “no contest” or “guilty”, nor have been to a trial. Those are given after allowing a moving violation to go pass due. If yours is in capias status, then our law office is unable to help. Those are given after a trial was held, but lost, and the verdict was not follow through with. To resolve such issues, you must either adhere to that verdict or else go to jail for a specified amount of time. To find out more, contact me now.
Contact A Dallas Warrant Roundup Traffic Defense Attorney
As the Annual Warrant Roundup perseveres throughout Dallas County, be aware that officers of the law might begin resorting to looking up where a person lives, where they work, or even where they attend school. If you think that you can avoid a potential arrest by simply staying off the streets, know that any of the locations listed above might be where a future arrest could take place. To see what all our law office can do to better assist you, contact me, the Dallas Warrant Roundup Traffic Defense Attorney, today.
Reach out to Jack Byno & Associates by calling our office
About Dallas, Texas:
– Dallas is the ninth largest city in the United States.
– The City of Dallas is composed of just over 385 square miles of land.
– From 2000 to 2010, over 300,000 people moved to Dallas, TX.
Visit the following link for the official website for the City of Dallas.