Jack Byno Plano Traffic Warrant Roundup Attorney
By hiring the Plano Traffic Warrant Roundup | Jack Byno Attorney, you’ll get Collin County’s best defense. Our law office here at Jack Byno & Associates has proven itself over and over as the ideal legal representation that has regularly gained the ideal outcome. However, know that the Great Texas Warrant Roundup is underway, calling upon officer to bring in anyone they can find on their wanted list, including those with overdue traffic tickets. If this describes your situation, then know that a simple traffic stop might be reason enough to end up in your arrest at this time. No one plans on getting stopped by police, yet it happens every day. To find out how we might be best able to assist you, contact me now.
Through the assistance of Jack Byno, the former municipal judge with over 25 years of experience in defending local drivers, many have often gained the final outcome that they were hoping for. We work diligently to not only get bonds posted, but to find the proper final outcome for each case. We’ll even see if we might be able to go to court in a client’s place, allowing them off the hook for the day to get back to their own busy schedule. To see if we can do something similar for you, pay us a visit in person to speak with us face to face, call us up on the phone, or go over to our contact me to complete one of our online forms now.
Contact Jack Byno at office
Bonds Posted and Warrants Lifted in Plano
The Plano Traffic Ticket Attorney accomplishes getting bonds posted fast and remotely for each client by requesting their citation number to start. Not having that ticket number handy is okay, for we will be able to look up that information by calling upon the judicial branch associates with the type of law enforcement that stopped you. For example, the Plano PD report to the city’s municipal court while the Collin County Sheriff’s Office turns their citations over to the county’s Justice of the Peace Court. Once filled out, we will send off that paperwork along with a Letter of Representation requesting a new court date via standard USPS mail deliver. If you wish to expedite that process, you may arrange to pick up those documents from our physical location and make the delivery in person. On the new court date, we will see if we can attend in your place. Regardless, we will make an appearance, contest the charges, and plead with the judge. The final ruling they give will be detailed in a letter sent to you. If you incurred any court fees, please keep in mind that those are separate from any attorney fees paid to us. For more information, contact me today.
Plano Speeding Ticket Warrants Lifted
If you’re in possession of a speeding citation that has gone overdue, then you will be in a similar situation to countless others in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. By hiring the Plano Speeding Ticket Attorney, you’ll be taking the same steps many others have found. For each client, we’ll always look for the best final resolution for their case. For many, that actually means a dismissal of the charges. For others, plea bargaining might prove fruitful by reducing charges and keeping them off a driving record. We may even be retained for a trial should you choose to pursue one. For more information, or to begin the hiring process, contact me now.
Attorney Lifts Plano CDL Warrants
For long haul truckers with a moving citation to face, we realize that many might allow them to go past due and turn into a warrant for their arrest. Many might face the backlash of losing their job from soothing like gaining a guilty conviction on their driving record. Should you be in such a situation, then call upon the help of the Plano CDL Defense Lawyer. Hundreds of other over the road truckers have turn towards the legal services provided by Jack Byno & Associates for more than 25 years. Throughout that time, we have regularly even been able to appear in court on a client’s behalf. See if the same may occur for you by going to our contact me page now.
Alias and Capias Warrants in Plano
The different between the two types of warrants will dictate if the Plano Traffic Warrant Roundup Attorney can take on your case. If yours is in alias status from a past due traffic violation and you have not yet entered a plea of “guilty”, “no contest”, nor have been to a trial, then you may hire us to represent you today. However, if you have gone to a trial, lost, then did not follow your verdict, you will have one in capias status. Since a judge gave their final ruling over the matter, a law office cannot alter the results. Instead, your options will be limited to either following through with that verdict or else sitting it out in a jail cell. To find out if we can represent you, contact me now.
Contact A Plano Traffic Warrant Roundup Attorney
If you’re currently in possession of an overdue moving violation in Collin County, then we are giving you fair warning that the Great Texas Warrant Roundup is currently underway. With our law firm on your side, you can have your bond posted fast while you continue about your day like any other. Keep in mind that arrests don’t just happen on the roadways. Police might even begin approaching people at their homes, as they have done for countless years. If you don’t want to risk ending up in handcuffs in front of your friends or family, then contact me, the Plano Traffic Warrant Roundup | Jack Byno Attorney, and see what can be done for you today.
Reach out to Jack Byno & Associates by calling our office
About Plano, Texas:
– Plano’s Bob Woodruff Park contains a tree estimated to be over 500 years old.
– Bank of America employs the most residents of the City of Plano at approximately 5,400 employees.
– Plano, TX has been listed as the 69th most populous city in America.
Visit the following link for the official website for the City of Plano.