Jack Byno Carrollton Traffic Warrant Roundup Lawyer
Retain the Carrollton Traffic Warrant Roundup Lawyer to lift your warrant by posting your bond without delay. We have been removing overdue traffic tickets for over 25 years here at Jack Byno & Associates and if you retain our services, yours will be taken care of too. You’ll want to reach out to us as soon as you can, for the police departments are working in unison during the Tarrant County Warrant Roundup. You’ll be hard pressed to avoid the gaze of police officers, who are in search of anyone whose name is on their wanted list. Our law firm wants to come to your aid in any way we can, and that includes attending court on your behalf and sometimes in your place altogether, so contact me to find out more.
Jack Byno is a former judge with a keen eye on what all we can do to provide convenience to our clients. With each case we take on, we’ll quickly post a person’s bond, go to court, and get to work in bring closure to them. Dismissing charges can be a practical approach for many. We have even surprised some of our clients by carefully negotiating down their charges to a shadow of what they once were. If you wish to retain us for a trial, you may do so by getting in touch with our law office today. Feel free to contact me by phone, completing an online form linked here on this site, or by coming by our law firm during out normal business hours.
Contact Jack Byno at office
Bonds Posted and Warrants Lifted in Carrollton
The Carrollton Traffic Ticket Attorney‘s process to get rid of your warrant is made to streamline the process and provide you with an ease of mind whenever possible. We first ask for your citation number. However, if you do not have it handy, we will still be able to process your case. Let us know if the city’s police department stopped you so that we may contact the Carrollton Municipal Court in order to retrieve your information. If another form of law enforcement made your stop, such as the Tarrant County Sheriff’s Deputies or a member of the Texas Department of Public Safety, we’ll call upon the county’s Justice of the Peace Court in the appropriate jurisdiction. Once our lawyers retrieve your information with their upmost diligence, they will complete your bond paperwork for you and send it off to be posted through standard mail delivery. This process is set up so that you can have little to no involvement if you desire. There is an option to speed up the process by allowing you to pick up the bond document and hand deliver them to your court. (This can save you time if mail delivery dates fall on weekends or holidays.) Once it’s received, there will also be a letter of representation sent, requesting a new appearance date to be set. On that date we’ll then show up in the courtroom, but we’ll also see if you can skip on these proceedings as well. It has happened many times before where a client never had to step foot in front of the judge and still walked away happy with their verdict. Contact me now to see if we can achieve something in a similar vein for you.
Carrollton Speeding Ticket Warrants Lifted
Something as routine as a simple speeding violation could possibly lead to a warrant for someone’s arrest. If you allowed yours to go past due, then you will be wanted by officers of the law throughout the Dallas/Fort Worth area. The Carrollton Speeding Ticket Attorney has dealt with a wide array of speeding cases for both Class “C” and Commercial Driver’s License holders alike. When we take on a case, we not only lift people from their wanted status, but also look for the best possible outcome. This can range from dismissals for some to reduced charges through plea negotiations and even the ability to retain us for a trial for many others. To see what can be accomplished with us by your side, contact me now.
Attorney Lifts Carrollton CDL Warrants
Trucking through the area will be an obstacle course of increased police patrols cracking down on you if you have a warrant. Carrollton CDL drivers should be cautious, as weigh stations may open up, police may be using the latest plate scanning technology to identify you, and you may be stopped for any small traffic offense while on the road. Being under the scrutiny of the police more than the average person, we realize long haul truckers have it rough. However, getting arrested in the middle of a delivery can be avoided when you hire our attorneys to resolve a past due ticket. Often, truckers do not want to face the outcome of their case, as it could affect their livelihood. Luckily for them, the Carrollton CDL Defense Lawyer has been helping CDL holders for over 25 years with frequently ideal results attained. Contact me now to find out more.
Alias and Capias Warrants in Carrollton
A warrant can stem from two different sources, and the typing will affect whether the Carrollton Traffic Warrant Roundup Attorney can help you pursue the matter further. In the cases where you had gained a moving violation and let it sit past due, you will have gained an alias warrant. These are the ones our attorneys can lift easily and fight the initial allegations in the court of law. However, certain stipulations must be followed if you wish to seek out our legal services. First, a plea cannot be entered stating either “guilty” or “no contest”. Second, you cannot have had your day in court, as this would be double jeopardy. The second typing is considered to be in capias status. These are created from the loss of a trial. If a guilty verdict is given, there will be a sentence for the defendant to adhere to. This can range from defensive driving to paying the court certain fees. If you do not follow the consequences given to you, then you will have gained a warrant that cannot be fought by an attorney. The case has already been ruled on and must be resolved yourself by either adhering to the verdict or sitting it out in jail. To see what all we can do for you, contact me at this time.
Contact A Carrollton Traffic Warrant Roundup Lawyer
We work to make your legal proceedings easier for you at every chance we get. There’s so many people who currently have an overdue ticket and believe they’ll make it through another day without being arrested, yet police are getting more aggressive during this Statewide Warrant Roundup. They may even go so far as to show up at your home, your place of business, or even your school. It’s an unfortunate truth that some people have been arrested in front of classmates, coworkers, and even family, but that’s a fate you can avoid when you hire us. We’ve achieved great things for other drivers, so contact me, the Carrollton Traffic Warrant Roundup Lawyer, to see what can be done for you as well.
Reach out to Jack Byno & Associates by calling our office
About Carrollton, Texas:
– The city of Carrollton is comprised of 37.1 square miles throughout.
– In the 1840s, Jared Ford first came into the area that would later become Carrollton, TX.
– The first mayor of Carrollton, W.F. Vinson, was elected in 1913.
Visit the following link for the official website for the City of Carrollton.