Ellis County Warrant Roundup | Jack Byno Traffic Attorney
By hiring The Ellis County Warrant Roundup | Jack Byno Traffic Attorney, you’ll easily get your bond posted and warrant lifted. The Great Texas Warrant Roundup has focused in on Ellis County as the sheriff’s office increases patrols to arrest any and all persons of interest. If you’re wanted and get stopped during this time, you’re more than likely going to jail. Be wary, as police typically have access to your home address and could come to your doorstep at any moment. At Jack Byno & Associates, our attorneys work with each case to gain the best results in any of the local courts. For countless cases before, we were even able to let the client have the day off as we defended them on appearance dates. If we can do the same for you, hire us today. You can call us by phone, stops by our office, or fill out a quick form linked here on our contact me page.
Jack Byno is a former municipal court judge who has served the people of the community for over 25 years. The legal experience he has gained over the course of his career will be focused on achieving the ideal outcome for each unique situation. Many traffic violations have passed through our office and thanks to our lawyers, many were frequently able to be dismissed. Non-dismissal traffic cases are also capable of being handled by our law firm through time tested plea negotiations. This may result in greatly reducing charges and fines. Finally, for the circumstances where only feasible option is a trial, you may retain our services for one, so contact me today.
Contact Jack Byno at office
Bonds Posted and Warrants Lifted in Ellis County
Gaining a warrant can be a surprisingly easy thing to accomplish. Once a moving violation is issued by any law enforcement agency in Ellis County, it’ll have a date to take care of it by. If you allow that time period to pass without addressing it, you’ll then by wanted by police. Seeing how this is not time to be running around with increased surveillance, you’ll want a law office than can assist you in not only resolve your case, but to do it in a timely manner too. Call our attorneys now to see what we are able to do for you. By hiring the Ellis County Traffic Ticket Attorney, you’ll gain a legal team that can easily lift a warrant. We do this by collecting your citation number and the amounts for your bond. Let us know if a city-affiliated police department stopped you (example: Fort Worth Police Department) and we’ll call the town’s local court for you case (example: Fort Worth Municipal Court). For all non-city law enforcement agencies, such as campus police, state troopers, or the Ellis County Sherriff’s Deputies, you’ll be going to the Justice of the Peace Court in your jurisdiction. Once we know the proper information, your bond will be posted by USPS and a new appearance date will be established. For any client that needs their warrant lifted ASAP, we can print off the paperwork and allow you to deliver it to the court yourself.
When the new court date rolls around, our lawyers will have already discussed and made sure you understand if your case is one we can allow you to skip this day. In a surprisingly high number of cases, our attorneys were often allowed to go attend court without the client present and gain the same results. With whatever your case may be, we appear in front of the judge, enter the plea, and finally gain your verdict. This will bring the issue to a close and we will make sure you understand the outcome by sending a letter detailing the outcome. If any court fees apply, they will be separate charges from our attorney fees. To find out more, contact me now.
Ellis County Speeding Ticket Warrants Lifted
When you take on the Ellis County Speeding Ticket Attorney on as your legal representative in the area, you’re getting the full coverage for most any traffic violation. Speed traps are in place all throughout the nearby cities, from River Oaks to Arlington. Whether a moving citation is past due or still has not yet gone to warrant, our lawyers take pride in helping out the people in the area. If you do not take on the charges in the court of law, then you will gain the full penalty, usually increasing your insurance rates along the way. In the end, you’re likely to save more money than it costs to hire our lawyers. Contact me here at our law office of Jack Byno & Associates to get your case started today.
Attorney Lifts Ellis County CDL Warrants
The county Sheriff’s Office is not being lax on Class “C” license holders and certainly not CDL drivers who have an overdue moving violation. The Ellis County CDL Defense Lawyer understands many long haul truckers’ situations. If you receive a conviction, you may very well lose your main source of income. Luckily, warrants and their initial traffic citations are not on a driving record, so there may still be time for us to help. Contact me to speak with an attorney and see if we can lower your charges or even dismiss your case.
Alias and Capias Warrants in Ellis County
Two types of warrants are issued in Texas, but the Ellis County Traffic Warrant Roundup Attorney can only help defend one. Those that are in capias status, meaning they were received after a guilty verdict was found from a trial, are not allowed to be fought in the court of law. The consequences, as established by the judge, must be faced or jail time will need to be served. Those in alias status are warrants that a past due ticket created and can be helped as long as they have not gone to trial in Ellis County. If you need the help of an attorney, please keep in mind we can only further assist you if you have not entered “guilty” or “no contest” to the court. Otherwise, you have already reached the outcome for your traffic case. To see if we can help you with your specific set of circumstances, contact me now.
Contact A Ellis County Warrant Roundup | Jack Byno Traffic Attorney
The Statewide Warrant Roundup is gaining momentum and likely has already jailed others with overdue citations. Don’t fall prey to the increased patrols by forgetting to use your blinker or not stopping fully and completely at every stop sign. Give them one small excuse and they’ll have you over on the side of the road and soon in cuffs. Contact me, the Ellis County Warrant Roundup | Jack Byno Traffic Attorney, today to hire us in order to quickly resolve your case with a dedicated legal defense.
Reach out to Jack Byno & Associates by calling our office
About Ellis County, Texas:
– There are about 111,000 residents living in Ellis County.
– Clyde Barrow, of the Bonnie and Clyde fame, was born and raised in Ellis County.
– There is an average of 42 housing units per square mile in Ellis County, TX.
Visit the following link for the official website for Ellis County.