More Than
20 years



On Behalf of | Oct 7, 2017 | Watauga Traffic Warrant Roundup Attorney |

Jack Byno Watauga Traffic Warrant Roundup Attorney

Throughout more than 25 years, the Watauga Traffic Warrant Roundup Attorney has come to the aid of countless drivers in the DFW area. Our law firm here at Jack Byno & Associates has made every effort to benefit our clients every step of the way when possible. We will post bonds for them fast, whether they are hoping to avoid a potential arrest or have even already ended up behind bars. Keep in mind that, should you be pulled over for something as simple as a minor traffic infraction, from barely stopping over the white line at a traffic light to eating while driving, then you might end up spending the night in a jail cell. Don’t allow such an outcome to occur for you if you can prevent it from happening by hiring Tarrant County’s preferred law office. Contact me to find out more.

Jack Byno has regularly come to the aid of many Class “C” and CDL drivers in North Texas for more than a quarter century. He has continued his successful career thanks in part to his former experience as a municipal judge. He utilizes his insider’s knowledge of the local courtrooms to find the best resolution to each case on top of posting bond fast. Our legal representatives might even be able to attend court dates in your place, should the situation allow for it. If you’re in need of the proper law professional to assist with your case, then contact me today by visiting our physical address during normal business hours, giving us a call by phone, or through completing one of our online forms linked to this page.

Contact Jack Byno at office

Bonds Posted and Warrants Lifted in Watauga

Whenever the Watauga Traffic Ticket Attorney takes on a case, we immediately set out to get a bond posted fast. We begin the process through simply requesting a citation number. Should you find yourself without that ticket number on hand, don’t fret, for we will still be able to look up your information. We do this by reaching out the Watauga Municipal Court if you are dealing with the city’s police department, or the Tarrant County Justice of the Pease Court if you were issued your ticket through any other form of law enforcement, such as campus police or state troopers. Once posted, your bond will be lifted and you can avoid a potential arrest. We’ll also send off a Letter of Representation stating that we are coming to your legal assistance and to ask for a new court date to be established. On that date, we’ll make plans to appear on your behalf and sometimes in your place, contest the charges, and plead with the judge. The final outcome will be written up and sent off to you via a letter in the mail and any court fees will be separate from attorney fees you may have paid us. To find out what all we can do for you, contact me today.

Watauga Speeding Ticket Warrants Lifted

If you gained a speeding citation, but allowed it to go past due, then you’ll find yourself in a situation that has occurred for hundreds of North Texas drivers. The Watauga Speeding Ticket Attorney understands your plight, for we have dealt with such cases countless times. In face, we have regularly found that an acquittal of the charges was possible by our client’s hiring us to represent them. Even if such an option was not readily available, plea negotiations often proved fruitful in reducing charges and keeping them off a driving record. Should you wish, you may also retain us for a trial. To see what options you have available for you, contact me and let’s review your case together.

Attorney Lifts Watauga CDL Warrants

Long haul truckers are faced with a difficult decision with how to deal with their speeding citation. If many gain a guilty conviction on their driving record, they may face unemployment because of it. However, putting off the matter and gaining a warrant might lead to an arrest in the middle of a delivery. Hire the Watauga CDL Defense Lawyer like hundreds of other truckers have. We here at Jack Byno & Associates have represented drivers like you in similar situations and regularly could allow them to keep their jobs. To see if we can do the same, and see if we might even be able to appear in court in your place, contact me now.

Alias and Capias Warrants in Watauga

The Watauga Traffic Warrant Roundup Attorney can only help with those warrants that are in alias status. Those are issued when a Failure to Appear (FTA) or a Violation of Promise to Appear (VPTA) are issued after a traffic tickets goes past due. You cannot have entered “no contest”, “guilty”, nor have had your day in court in order to hire us to represent you. Should you have one in capias status instead, then we cannot assist in the matter further. Those are given after a trial is lost, but the verdict was not follow. You’ll have to either comply with the court’s demands or else go to jail to wait it out. For more information about what can be done, contact me today.

Contact A Watauga Traffic Warrant Roundup Attorney

At this time, the Tarrant County Warrant Roundup is calling for police to crack down on drivers on the local roadways, but it won’t stop there. Officers have been known to attempt to approach people at their place of residence, where they work, and even where they go to school. To avoid ending up in cuffs in front of friends and family, you need your bond posted fast. See just how fast a law firm can do so by visiting our contact me page and utilizing that information to get in touch with the Watauga Traffic Warrant Roundup Attorney as soon as possible.

Reach out to Jack Byno & Associates by calling our office

About Watauga, Texas:

– The City of Watauga was incorporated in 1958.

– Watauga, TX is comprised of just over four square miles of land total.

– 23,497 people called Watauga home in 2010.

Visit the following link for the official website for the City of Watauga.

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