Jack Byno Dallas County Warrant Roundup Attorney
Hire the Dallas County Warrant Roundup Attorney to assist with your case by facing off with the Justice of the Peace Court ASAP. For more than two and a half decades, our law firm here at Jack Byno & Associates has regularly come to the aid of hundreds of Class “C” and CDL drivers in DFW with the frequent successful results that many people wanted. If you have a past due moving citation at this time, then be aware that the Great Texas Warrant Roundup is currently taking place. That is when officers of the law are banning together to make more traffic stops with the hopes of identify anyone on their wanted list and making an arrest. Don’t let something as minor as going one mile over the speed limit or not stopping fully before the white line at a traffic light lead to your arrest. Contact me today and see what all our legal professionals might be able to do for you.
Jack Byno has utilized his experience as a former municipal judge with over 25 years of experience to find the most fruitful results for our clients. On top of finding the best resolution possible, we also seek out ways where we might be able to provide more convenience for those who hire us. When first hired, we will post a bond fast to get warrants lifted. As well, we’ll see if we can attend court in a client’s place so as to allow them the day off to do with as they please. If you’re in need of a law firm that will always seek out the most beneficial outcome for you, then visit our contact me page to find our online form you may submit virtually, our phone number to call us, and even our physical address should you wish to visit with us in person during normal operating hours.
Contact Jack Byno at office
Bonds Posted and Warrants Lifted in Dallas County
Whenever the Dallas County Traffic Ticket Attorney is hired to take on your case, we will promptly get to filling out your bond paperwork for you. We’ll simply request your ticket number to gather the proper information. For those who may not have their citation number with them, we’ll still be able to find the proper info needed by calling up the proper court associated with your case. A city’s police department will send their tickets over for the municipal court to process. Other law enforcement agencies, such as the Dallas County Sheriff’s Office, send their traffic violations over to the county’s Justice of the Peace Court. In either circumstance, sending off the bond paperwork along with a letter representation through standard USPS delivery will get the warrant lifted upon being received. If you wish to expedite the process, you may make the delivery in person by picking up that paperwork from our law office. Along with avoiding a potential arrest, we will also request a new court date to appear on our behalf and contest the charges with the hopes of receiving a favorable outcome. For further inquiries, contact me today to find out what our lawyers might be able to do for you.
Dallas County Speeding Ticket Warrants Lifted
Hire on the Dallas County Speeding Ticket Attorney is your speeding citation has gone overdue. We have assisted with hundreds of drivers in such situations, making us the qualified law office to take a look at your case and discuss with you what outcomes might be possible. As the law firm that serves the most cities in DFW, we take pride in always seeking out the best outcome possible when gaining the final resolution. Our first priority is to see if we can gain an acquittal for a case. We might even be able to implement plea bargaining so as to lower charges and keep them from ending up on a driving record. To see what might likely be able to occur for your case as well, contact me today.
Attorney Lifts Dallas County CDL Warrants
Over the road truckers must make a potentially life-altering decision when attempting to resolve their traffic violation. By simply accepting the charges, or through gaining a guilty verdict, and allowing the conviction to end up on a driving record, many might face unemployment if their trucking company has a zero-tolerance policy over the matter. Contact the Dallas County CDL Defense Lawyer, who has demonstrated his ability to frequently gain the outcome that has helped countless CDL drivers keep their jobs for more than 25 years. If you wish to see how our law firm here at Jack Byno & Associates might also be able to alter the outcome to your case, contact me today.
Alias and Capias Warrants in Dallas County
When you wish to hire the Dallas County Traffic Warrant Roundup Lawyer to lift your warrant, know that we are only capable of doing so if it is in alias status. Those are issued whenever a traffic citation goes past its court date without being properly resolved. If you have not entered a plea of “no contest”, “guilty”, nor have already gone to trial, then give us a call today and hire our team of law professionals to assist in posting your bond quickly. Those who lost a trial and did not follow through with completing a verdict will have one in capias status. A law office cannot alter the judge’s ruling over the matter, so you must either adhere to what the court demanded of you or else go to jail for a period of time to wait it out. Contact me for further inquiries about what can be done for you.
Contact A Dallas County Warrant Roundup Attorney
Officers of the law will not simply stop their search at the streets during this time. They have been known to even look up someone’s home address and attempt to approach them where they least suspect it. If you are in need of avoiding a potential arrest in front of friends and family, give us a call now. We know how to lift warrants quickly and have kept hundreds of people out of jail thanks to our persistence defense. Contact me, the Dallas County Warrant Roundup Attorney, to find out more about what can be done for your specific set of circumstances today.
Reach out to Jack Byno & Associates by calling our office
About Dallas County, Texas:
– There are 16 independent school districts that serve the residents of Dallas County.
– Dallas County’s only unincorporated community is Sand Branch, TX.
– 25 major highways pass through Dallas County.
Visit the following link for the official website for the City of Dallas County.