There are many reasons that one may be written a traffic ticket in Dallas County, Texas, but no matter why you have been written a citation in the City of Duncanville, you are required to respond to it in due time. If you fail to do so, the Duncanville Municipal Court may find cause to issue you a traffic warrant. An active traffic warrant out for you is a warrant for your arrest, which is just as serious as it sounds. It must be lifted if you hope to avoid arrest at all, including during the Duncanville Warrant Roundup. Jack Byno & Associates is a North Texas traffic warrant law firm that may be retained to help you do so.
Taking place on an annual basis is the Duncanville Warrant Roundup. Referred to on a State level as the Great Texas Warrant Roundup, this annual police operation requires all participating officers to focus their attentions on locating and arresting as many motorists as possible who have such active warrants. In the instance that you have not yet taken the necessary legal steps to ensure that your warrant is lifted, take this opportunity today to do so, before the start of this year’s Warrant Roundup. Also consider acquiring legal counsel in doing so from the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno. Please contact me to find out more today.