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Euless Warrant Roundup Lawyer

On Behalf of | Jan 14, 2016 | Traffic Attorney, Traffic Lawyer |

24 hours a day, 7 days a week, traffic is watched over by police, who pull over and write traffic tickets to drivers caught violating traffic law. If you have been issued a traffic ticket in Euless, Texas, for speeding or any other minor offense, it is best that you respond right away to your charges. If you do not plead guilty to your citation or challenge it by the date that it is due, you will most likely be issued a traffic warrant by the Euless Municipal Court. You may even be arrested because of your warrant during the Euless Warrant Roundup.

Each year police in all across the State, including in Euless, Texas, take part in a police operation known as the Great Texas Warrant Roundup. Referred to locally as the Euless Warrant Roundup, this annual police operation sees law enforcement workig around the clock to locate and arrest as many drivers as possible who have active traffic warrants out for them. Are you interested in lifting your warrant in hopes of avoiding arrest this Warrant Roundup season? Do you need help to do so? Then get in touch with Jack Byno & Associates today. Our lawyers may post bond for you and lift your warrant for you, if you are eligible. Please contact me if you would like more info.

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