Jack Byno & Associates is a traffic warrant law firm with over 20 years of experience in Collin County, Texas. Our lawyers hold the authority to lift traffic warrants and post bonds on behalf of eligible clients in this region of North Texas. We may be of service to you therefore in the case that you have been issued a warrant by the Collin County Justice of the Peace Court, for allowing a ticket that you received in that city to go past due. Our attorneys may help you avoid arrest even during the Collin County Warrant Roundup.
Have you never before heard of the Collin County Warrant Roundup? A local branch of the Great Texas Warrant Roundup, this annual police operation sees law enforcement focusing on arresting as many drivers as possible who have active traffic warrants out for them. Do not let yourself be taken into custody over your outstanding traffic warrant this Warrant Roundup season! Let us here at Jack Byno & Associates help you avoid this outcome. Please contact me to find out more today.