Traffic warrants are routinely issued to motorists who are written traffic tickets in the City of Cleburne, Texas, but who allow their citations to go past due. If you have been issued a traffic warrant by the Cleburne Municipal Court for this reason, it may be in your best interest to lift your warrant before it can result in your arrest. If you seek help in lifting your warrant (it would be wise to do so before the start of this year’s Cleburne, Texas Warrant Roundup) get in touch with Jack Byno & Associates. Our lawyers have more than 20 years of experience in Johnson County, Texas.
The Cleburne, Texas Warrant Roundup is a branch of the Great Texas Warrant Roundup, and not a widely known event. It often catches drivers with traffic warrants out for them unawares, as during this annual event police are required to arrest as many motorists as they can who have such active warrants. If you are hopeful to avoid arrest if at all possible this Warrant Roundup season, but seek professional legal help in doing so, consider seeking that help from Jack Byno & Associates. Our lawyers may hold the power to lift your outstanding traffic warrant for you, as well as post bond for you. Please contact me to find out more.