In the Johnson County City of Cleburne, Texas, police work day and night to ensure that all motorists are abiding by traffic law. In the instance that a driver breaks the law while behind the wheel, more often than not he or she will be written a ticket by police. If you receive a traffic citation in Cleburne, but let your ticket go past due, the Cleburne Municipal Court may issue you a traffic warrant, as it is a function of the court to do so. If you are worried that you will be taken into custody because of your warrant before or during the upcoming Cleburne, Texas Warrant Roundup, get your traffic warrant lifted today before the commencement of this annual event.
The Cleburne, Texas Warrant Roundup is a local extension of the Great Texas Warrant Roundup, and sees law enforcement cracking down on motorists who have active traffic warrants out for them. Because you may very well be arrested during this year’s Warrant Roundup if you let your Cleburne warrant remain out for you, it may be in your best interest to try and get your warrant lifted before this can happen. Jack Byno & Associates, a traffic warrant law firm with over 20 years of experience in Johnson County, may assist you in lifting your warrant. Please contact me to learn more!