Have you been issued a traffic ticket in Rockwall, Texas for a minor violation such as speeding? Are you worried now that your ticket has gone past due? Overdue traffic citations often prompt the Rockwall Municipal Court to issue traffic warrants for the drivers at question. Because your traffic warrant may soon result in your arrest and incarceration unless you act fast to ensure that it is lifted, why not taken legal action today to do just that? If you seek professional legal counsel in lifting your outstanding traffic warrant, so that you may avoid arrest even during the Rockwall, Texas Warrant Roundup, contact Jack Byno & Associates, a Rockwall County traffic warrant law firm with over 20 years of experience.
Taking place on an annual basis in Rockwall, Texas and surrounding commuities is the Great Texas Warrant Roundup. Known locally as the Rockwall, Texas Warrant Roundup, this police operation requires officers to palce an emphasis on arresting as many motorists as they can who have active traffic warrants out for them. If you are worried that you would not be able to ensure that your Rockwall traffic warrant is lifted in time for Warrant Roundup season, consider seeking assistance in lifting your warrant from Jack Byno & Associates. If you are eligible, our experienced lawyers may post bond for you and lift your outstanding traffic warrant for you. Please contact me if you would like additional details.