In Tarrant County, Texas, many traffic tickets are written each ad every day by police to area motorist. This means that, for some cases, there will be a will to challenge charges issued. This is why Jack Byno & Associates is in business. Since 1994, our Tarrant County ticket lawyers have provided exceptional legal defense against traffic tickets issued to both Class C and commercial clients. We may be retained by you to either plead your case for a favorable deal in court, or to fight your violation outright at an official trial setting.
The moment that your Tarrant County traffic citation is written and placed in your hands, it becomes your sole responsibility to make a timely response to your charges. If you do not, neither challenging them nor pleading guilty, the court may find cause to issue you a traffic warrant. Are you afraid that your warrant will soon result in your arrest and imprisonment? Because this may very well be the case if you allow your ticket to go past due, it may be in your best interest to try and lift your warrant. If you are qualified, Jack Byno & Associates’ Tarrant County ticket lawyers may post your bond and lift your warrant for you. Contact me today for more info!