Have you been written a traffic ticket by police in Lancaster, Texas? In Lancaster, police pull over and write traffic tickets each and every day for motorists who are caught violating traffic law in minor ways. No matter the reason behind the issuance of your charges, it would be wise of you to respond to your citation by the date that it is due. If you fail to do so, neither pleading guilty to your citation nor making an effort to challenge it, the Lancaster Municipal Court may find cause to issue you a traffic warrant. Have you been made aware of the court issuing you a traffic warrant? Then consider getting your Lancaster traffic warrant lifted today before you are arrested because of it.
If you have been issued a traffic warrant by the Lancaster, Texas, Municipal Court, and have not yet gotten it lifted, please be advised of the annual Lancaster Warrant Roundup. A local extension of the Great Texas Warrant Roundup, the Lancaster Warrant Roundup sees law enforcement arresting, in droves, countless drivers who have active traffic warrants out for them. For you to avoid being arrested this Warrant Roundup season, your Lancaster traffic warrant must be lifted as soon as possible. If you seek help in doing so, Jack Byno & Associates may be of service to you. We are a Dallas County law firm with over 20 years of experience in Lancaster. Contact me to learn more today.