Every day in the Kaufman County City of Kemp, Texas, law enforcement pulls over drivers suspected of violating traffic law. In most cases, these drivers are issued traffic tickets. If you have been issued a traffic ticket in Kemp, Texas, you are supposed to respond to your charges, and by the date that they are due. If you fail to do so, neither pleading guilty to nor challenging your citation in a court of law, the Kemp Municipal Court may very well issue you a traffic warrant. Are you interested in avoiding arrest, even now that a warrant is out for you? Then your Kemp warrant must be lifted.
If you do not get your outstanding Kemp warrant lifted, your arrest will remain a very real possibility. Your chances of being taken into custody will only go up during the Great Texas Warrant Roundup. An annual police operation referred to locally as the Kemp Warrant Roundup (or simply Warrant Roundup season), this event sees police arresting in droves drivers who have active traffic warrants out for them. If you are looking to steer clear of arrest during this year’s roundup, but are not certain how to go about getting your warrant lifted, contact the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno. If you are eligible, there is a good chance that our lawyers may post bond for you and lift your Kemp warrant for you. Contact me to learn more today!