No responsible driver gets behind the wheel of a vehicle with the intentions of breaking traffic law and being written a citation. But it does happen to drivers each and every day in the City of Midlothian, Texas. Perhaps you are one such driver recently issued a traffic ticket by police in Midlothian, for speeding or another minor offense. Did you respond to your charges by the date that they were due back to the court? If you did not, did the Midlothian Municipal Court consequently issue you a traffic warrant? If so, your arrest over your warrant is unfortunately a very real possibility for as long as your warrant remains out for you. A Midlothian traffic warrant attorney with Jack Byno & Associates, a law firm that serves the greater Ellis County area, may be able to help you get your warrant lifted.
If you do not soon take the necessary legal action to ensure that your Midlothian traffic warrant is lifted, there is a good chance that you may be taken into custody during the Midlothian Warrant Roundup. A local branch of the State-wide Great Texas Warrant Roundup, this annual event may see you taken into custody unless you act fast to ensure that your Midlothian traffic warrant is lifted. If you are interested in lifting your warrant in time for the roundup, but seek professional legal assistance in doing so, get in touch with Jack Byno & Associates. If you are eligible, our lawyers may post bond for you and lift your outstanding traffic warrant for you. Please contact me to learn more today.