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Legal Counsel Offered by Dallas Traffic Lawyer

On Behalf of | Dec 2, 2015 | Traffic Attorney, Traffic Lawyer, Traffic Ticket |

The Dallas Police Department, and law enforcement elsewhere in Dallas County, Texas, writes traffic tickets each and every day to drivers of both commercial and Class C status. While you strive to avoid being issued a citation while on the road, by obeying traffic law at all times, maybe you were recently issued a speeding ticket or other violation in Dallas. If you are interested in challenging your charges in court, as opposed to pleading guilty to them, a Dallas traffic lawyer with Jack Byno & Associates may be of service to you. Our firm has been in practice in North Texas since 1994.

Have you been issued a traffic warrant by the Dallas Municipal Court? You may have been if your Dallas traffic ticket was allowed to go past due. Because your traffic warrant is an active warrant for your arrest, it may be in your best interest to try and get your warrant lifted, before your arrest can occur. If you are qualified, the Dallas traffic lawyers at the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno may be able to help you lift your warrant, and may also post bond for you. Please contact me to find out more today.

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