No responsible driver gets behind the wheel intending to break traffic law. But drivers of both Class C or CDL status are written traffic tickets every day law enforcement. Maybe you were recently issued a violation in the Hunt County region, for speeding or for another traffic offense. If you failed to respond to your citation by the date that it was due, the Hunt County Justice of the Peace Court may have issued you a traffic warrant. If you are interested in avoiding arrest if at all possible over your warrant, even during the Hunt County, Texas Warrant Roundup, you may do so with professional legal assistance provided by Jack Byno & Associates.
For over 20 years, our law office has gotten bonds posted and traffic warrants lifted on behalf of eligible clients in Hunt County and neighboring communities. If you are eligible, we may carry out these legal tasks on your behalf, so that you may steer clear of arrest, even during the Great Texas Warrant Roundup. Referred to on a local level as the Hunt County, Texas Warrant Roundup, this yearly event sees police arresting, in droves, countless drivers who have active traffic warrants out for them. If you seek experienced, professional legal assistance in lifting your warrant, remember that Jack Byno & Associates may be of service to you. Interested in learning more? Please contact me.