Running a red light, speeding, failing to yield right of way, and texting while driving are all reasons that one may be issued a traffic ticket by police in Greenville, Texas. If you have been issued a traffic ticket by law enforcement for one or another of these reasons, but let your citation go past due instead of responding to it, the Greenville Municipal Court will more than likely issue you a traffic warrant. Yes, a traffic warrant out for you is a warrant for your arrest. If you are worried that you would not be able to lift your warrant on your own, and in time for the Greenville, Texas Warrant Roundup, it may be in your best interest to seek help in doing so.
A branch of the State-wide Great Texas Warrant Roundup, the Greenville, Texas Warrant Roundup sees police taking into custody as many drivers as possible who have active traffic warrants out for them. Because you may be taken into custody during the annual Warrant Roundup if your traffic warrant remains out for you now, it may be wise of you to try and get it lifted before the commencement of this year’s event. Jack Byno & Associates, a law firm with over 20 years of experience with the roundup in Hunt County, may help you in doing so. Contact me if you would like to learn more.