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Garland, Texas Traffic Ticket Lawyer

On Behalf of | Dec 3, 2015 | Garland Traffic Ticket Attorney, Traffic Attorney, Traffic Lawyer, Traffic Ticket |

Law enforcement officials with the Garland, Texas Police Department pull over and write traffic tickets to motorists each and every day who are caught violating the law in minor ways. While you may avoid being issued a citation by simply obeying traffic law while on the road in Garland, if you are written one you must follow through with the responsibility of responding to it. If you respond by pleading guilty, points will be applied to your driving record, but if you challenge your ticket instead, your record may be protected. A Garland, Texas traffic ticket lawyer, such as is with Jack Byno & Associates, may help you challenge your charges in a court of law. It is not a task that you must attempt to accomplish on your own.

It would be wise of you to remember that your Garland, Texas traffic ticket is much more than a simple piece of paper. It is a serious legal document that demands your immediate attention. Should you let your charges go past due, the Garland Municipal Court will take notice, and may very well issue you a traffic warrant. If you are hopeful to avoid arrest if at all possible, even though a warrant is now out for you, you may do so with assistance provided by Jack Byno & Associates. Our Garland, Texas traffic ticket lawyers, if you are eligible, may post bond for you and lift your warrant for you. Please contact me to learn more.

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