In the Dallas County City of Hutchins, Texas, when a motorist is written a traffic ticket, he or she is expected by the court to make a timely response to the charges. If you are issued a traffic violation in Hutchins, but allow your ticket to go past due, the Hutchins Municipal Court may find cause to issue you a traffic warrant. Yes, an active traffic warrant out for you is a warrant for your arrest! Are you hopeful to steer clear of arrest if at all possible, by taking legal action to ensure that your warrant is lifted? Of course you are! And do not let another second go by without contacting the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno. For over 20 years, our Hutchins warrant lawyers have gotten bonds posted and warrants lifted behalf of eligible clients all across Dallas County.
The Hutchins warrant lawyers with the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno also offer to lift traffic warrants and post bonds on behalf of qualified motorists at all times of the year, including in preparation for the Great Texas Warrant Roundup. Are you familiar with this annual event? If you are not, you should know that during it, police focus their attentions on locating and arresting motorists who have active traffic warrants out for them. Lest you be taken into custody over your outstanding warrant, even during the roundup, it must be lifted. Remember that Jack Byno & Associates may help you in lifting your warrant, and may also post bond for you. For additional information, please contact me.