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Tarrant County Traffic Ticket Lawyer

On Behalf of | Nov 24, 2015 | Traffic Attorney, Traffic Lawyer |

If you have been issued a traffic ticket by police in Tarrant County, you may be thinking about challenging your charges in a court of law, as opposed to pleading guilty to them. This would be in an effort to protect your clean driving record. If you seek professional legal assistance in doing so, such as may be provided you by a Tarrant County traffic ticket lawyer, consider getting in touch with Jack Byno & Associates. Our skilled traffic ticket lawyers have been in practice in Tarrant County since our establishment in 1994.

Your Tarrant County traffic ticket is a very serious legal document that must be quickly responded to. If you do not respond quickly to your traffic citation, even to the point that it goes past-due, there is a good chance that the Tarrant County Justice of the Peace Court may issue you a traffic warrant. Lest you be arrested over your warrant, you must act quickly to get it lifted. If you seek professional legal guidance in doing so, Jack Byno & Associates may once again be of service to you. If you are eligible, there is a good chance that our lawyers may post bond for you and lift your warrant for you. Contact me today to learn more!

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