Law enforcement in Rains County, Texas works tirelessly, day and night, to ensure that all motorists are abiding by traffic law. If any driver is caught breaking the law in any minor way, he or she may be pulled over at the discretion of law enforcement. If you have been issued a traffic ticket in Rains County, Texas, as someone who holds a commercial driver’s license, your first thought may be for your clean driving record, which you are required to maintain. If you are interested in challenging your Rains County CDL violation, whether or not youo received it at a D.O.T. stop, Jack Byno & Associates may be of service to you.
A CDL defense law firm with more than 20 years of experience in Rains County, Texas, Jack Byno & Associates also offers to lift traffic warrants and post bonds on behalf of eligible motorists in Rains County and surrounding regions. You may be happy to know this if you have been issued a traffic warrant by the Rains County Municipal Court. Chances are high that you were if you let your charges go past due without responding to them. If you are eligible, there is a good chance that Jack Byno & Associates may assist you in lifting your traffic warrant. We may also post bond for you, as a promise to represent you in court at a later date. Please contact me to learn more.