To be written a traffic ticket over a minor offense in Providence Village is a serious thing, especially if you happen to hold a commercial driver’s license. If you do, you are probably required your employer to maintain your clean driving record. For this reason, you may be interested in disputing a CDL or trucking violation that you have recieved in Providence Village. Are you hopeful to do so, even if you were issued your Providence Village CDL violation at a D.O.T. stop? Then Jack Byno & Associates may be of service to you. With over 20 years of experience, our CDL defense lawyers may be hired to either plead your case for a deal, or to fight your ticket outright at trial.
As it so happens, Jack Byno & Associates also offers to lift traffic warrants and post bonds on behalf of eligible clients. We may be retained to do the same for you in the case that a warrant for your arrest has been issued by the Providence Village Municipal Court. Chances are high that one was if you let your CDL or trucking violation go past due. Lest you soon be taken into custody over your traffic warrant, and lest your career as a professional driver be jeopardized, it may be in your best interest to try and get it lifted. If you happen to be eligible, our lawyers may post bond for you and lift your warrant for you. Please contact me to find out more.