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Need Help Lifting Your Richardson Traffic Warrant?

On Behalf of | Nov 30, 2015 | Traffic Attorney, Traffic Lawyer |

Every day in Richardson, Texas, Class C and commercial motorists alike are pulled over by police and written traffic tickets at the discretion of law enforcement. If you have been written a traffic ticket by law enforcement in Richardson, over a minor offense committed, you may be interested in challenging your charges. This would be as opposed to pleading guilty to your Richardson traffic ticket, which would result in points being applied permanently to your driving record. If you seek help in the disputation of your citation, contact Jack Byno & Associates. Our skilled traffic ticket attorneys may be retained to either plead your case for a deal or to fight your ticket at trial.

Upon the issuance of your traffic ticket, did you make it a point to respond to your charges by their specified due date? If you did not, did the Richardson Municipal Court issue you a traffic warrant as a penalty for your overdue ticket? If so, your arrest will remain an imminent possibility for as long as your warrant remains out for you. The only way that you may steer clear of arrest is by taking legal action to ensure that your Richardson traffic warrant is lifted. If you are eligible, there is a good chance that our lawyers may lift your warrant for you, as well as post bond for you. Interested in finding out more? Please contact me today.

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