Driving over the legal speed limit in North Texas is a very easy thing to do, but it is also illegal. If you are caught speeding in any community within the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, there is a good chance that you may be pulled over by law enforcement and issued a citation. If you are, your first thought may be for your driving record. If you were to plead guilty to your speeding ticket, points may be applied irreversibly to your driving record. This would not be ideal, especially if you happen to hold a CDL. If you are hopeful, therefore, to challenge your charges, a speeding ticket attorney may be of service to you.
Jack Byno & Associates is a traffic ticket law firm that may be retained to provide you with a speeding ticket attorney. Our lawyers may also be of service to you in the case that your speeding violation has already gone past due and is now in warrant status (it is if you have been issued a traffic warrant by the Municipal or Justice court associated with your citation.) Are you hopeful to steer clear of arrest if at all possible, by getting your warrant lifted? Then pick up the phone and call the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno today. If you are eligible, chances are high that our lawyers may post bond for you and lift your warrant for you. Contact me to learn more today.