While it is important to carefully abide by traffic law at all times while behind the wheel, and while you strive to do so always, maybe you were recently caught committing a minor traffic offense by police in Fort Worth, Texas. Were you subsequently pulled over and written a traffic citation? Then you may be interested in challenging your charges in a court of law, in an effort to keep points off your driving record. If you are, you may also be seeking professional legal help in doing so from a Fort Worth traffic attorney. Jack Byno & Associates may provide you with the attorney you need to successfully challenge your ticket in court.
The Fort Worth Police Department will not tolerate it if you allow your Fort Worth CDL or trucking violation to go past due. If you do, the court may very well find cause to issue you a traffic warrant. Please understand that your active warrant may eventually result in your arrest unless lifted. If you are a qualified motorist, Jack Byno & Associates may be retained to assist you in ensuring that your warrant if lifted. There is a chance that we may even lift it for you. We may also post bond for you, as a promise to represent you and your case later in a court of law. For more information, please contact me today.