The Double Oak Police Department, and law enforcement elsewhere in Denton County, Texas, works day and night to ensure that all motorists are obeying traffic law. Any driver suspected of disobeying the law may be pulled over at the discretion of officers. Are you one such motorist recently issued a traffic ticket by police in Double Oak? If you were, while holding your commercial driver’s license, you may be concerned about your Double Oak CDL violation ending up as points on your driving record. You may even be considering seeking legal counsel in challenging it in a court of law. If you are, and no matter if you received your Double Oak CDL violation at a D.O.T. stop, Jack Byno & Associates may be of service to you.
We are an expereinced traffic ticket law firm that specializes in the disputation of CDL violations. Our attorneys may be retained by you to either plead your case for a deal, or to fight your Double Oak CDL violation at trial. We may also be of service to you in the case that your ticket is already overdue. If it is, you may now have an active traffic warrant out for you, issued for you by the Double Oak Municipal Court. Lest you soon be arrested over your warrant, you may want to act fast to ensure that it is lifted. Jack Byno & Associates (should you be an eligible commercial driver) may help you lift your Double Oak warrant, as well as post bond for you. Please contact me for more information.