Have you been written a traffic ticket by law enforcement in Dallas, Texas? If you have been, your first concern may be for your driving record. Because points may be applied permanently to your record if you plead guilty to your ticket (no matter the reason why you were issued it), it may be in your better interest to challenge your charges in court. This is a task that the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno may assist you in accomplishing. Since the founding of our law office in 1994, our Dallas traffic ticket lawyers have provided exceptional legal defense against all forms of traffic tickets.
Let’s say that you have allowed your Dallas traffic violation to go past due, instead of making a timely response to it. If you have, do not be surprised to learn that the Dallas Municipal Court has issued you a traffic warrant. In case you are wondering, yes, your traffic warrant is a warrant for your arrest. Because your arrest may be imminent for as long as your warrant remains active, you may want to try and get your warrant lifted. This is the only way that you may steer clear of arrest. A Dallas traffic warrant attorney with the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno may assist you in doing so, if you are eligible, and may also post bond for you. Contact me to find out more.