Class C motorists and commercial motorists alike are written traffic tickets by law enforcement every day. While Class C motorists may be written citations more often than commercial motorists, even CDL holders may be subjected to traffic stops at the discretion of law enforcement. Maybe you are one such commercial driver recently issued a traffic ticket by law enforcement in Copper Canyon, Texas. Are you interested in challenging your Copper Canyon CDL violation in court, in an effort to protect your clean driving record? Then it may be wise of you to get in touch with Jack Byno & Associates. Our traffic ticket lawyers have been in practice in Denton County since 1994, and may be of service to you even if you received your charges at a D.O.T. stop.
The moment that your Copper Canyon, Texas CDL or trucking violation is written and placed in your hands, it becomes your responsibility to respond to your charges by their specified due dates. If you do not, but instead let your violation go past due, the Municipal Court may find cause to issue you a traffic warrant. A traffic warrant out for you is a warrant for your arrest, which is just as serious as it sounds. If you are eligible, Jack Byno & Associates may be able to post your bond and ensure that your warrant is lifted for you. Please contact me to find out more.