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Contact a Dallas, Texas Traffic Ticket Lawyer

On Behalf of | Nov 30, 2015 | Traffic Attorney, Traffic Lawyer |

Traffic tickets are common in Dallas, Texas, and written every day by police to drivers of both Class C and commercial status. If you have been issued a traffic ticket by law enforcement in Dallas, Texas, let’s say for speeding or some other minor offense, your first thought may be for your driving record. Your record may be impacted by the way you respond to your charges. If you respond by pleading guilty to your ticket, points may be applied to your record permanently. If you respond by challenging it instead, your record may be defended. Jack Byno & Associates may be hired to help you challenge your charges in court, should you choose to do so. Our Dallas, Texas traffic ticket lawyers have over 20 years of experience in Dallas County.

The second that your Dallas, Texas traffic ticket is written and placed in your hands, it becomes your sole responsibility to make a timely response to your charges. If you do not respond in due time to your ticket, neither challenging it nor pleading guilty, the Dallas Municipal Court may issue you a traffic warrant as a penalty. Because a traffic warrant issued for you by the court is a warrant for your arrest, you may be interested in lifting it as soon as possible. Jack Byno & Associates may be retained to post your bond and assist you in lifting your warrant, if you are eligible, so that you may be sure to avoid arrest. Please contact me to find out more today.

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