Should you be written a CDL or trucking violation in the Tarrant County City of Colleyville, Texas, your first concern may be for your clean driving record. This is because your clean record supports your means of living as a professional motorist. In order that your record may be protected against your Colleyville CDL violation, it may be wise of you to challenge your charges in a court of law. Even if you have received your citation at a D.O.T. stop, you may seek counsel in doing so from Jack Byno & Associates. We are a CDL defense law firm with over 20 years of experience in Tarrant County.
Did you know that there is a date on your Colleyville CDL or trucking violation by which you are required to respond to your charges? If you fail to respond to your charges, neither challenging them nor pleading guilty, they may fall into warrant status. This simply (but significantly) means that the Colleyville Municipal Court may issue you a traffic warrant as a penalty for your overdue violation. Lest you soon be taken into custody over your outstanding warrant, it must be lifted. If you are an eligible commercial driver, chances are high that our lawyers here at Jack Byno & Associates may lift your Colleyville warrant for you, as well as post bond for you. Please contact me to learn more today.