In the Johnson County City of Cleburne, Texas, traffic tickets are written every day to drivers caught committing minor traffic offenses. If you have been written a traffic citation by law enforcement in Cleburne, whether for speeding, running a red light or any other minor offense, it may be wise of you to try and challenge your ticket in a court of law. This way you may have a chance at protecting your clean record. Jack Byno & Associates’ Cleburne, Texas traffic ticket attorneys, with more than 20 years of experience, may help you in challenging your charges.
Please be advised, that the moment you are issued your Cleburne, Texas CDL or trucking violation, it becomes your responsibility to respond to your charges by their specified due date. If you fail to do so, the Cleburne Municipal Court may find cause to issue you a traffic warrant. Because you arrest is imminent following the issuance of your warrant, it may be in your best interest to try and get it lifted before your arrest becomes a reality. If you are interested in steering clear of arrest if at all possible, get in touch with Jack Byno & Associates. If you are qualified, there is a good chance that our lawyers may post your bond and lift your Cleburne warrant for you. Please contact me to find out more.