Do you hold a commercial driver’s license (CDL) for work as a trucker or other professional motorist? Are you required by your employer to maintain your clean driving record? Then you may be feeling very concerned about a CDL or trucking violation that you have been issued in Terrell, Texas. Maybe you received it for speeding on the freeway, or maybe for a vehicle-related violation at a D.O.T. stop. If you are hopeful to dispute your Terrell CDL violation in court, in hopes of protecting your clean driving record, you may do so with assistance provided by Jack Byno & Associates. We are a Kaufman County traffic ticket law firm that specializes in the disputation of CDL violations.
It is a serious thing to be written a traffic ticket in Johnson County, Texas. But your situation may soon become even more serious should you allow your charges to go past due. If you do, the Terrell Municipal Court may find cause to issue you a traffic warrant. A traffic warrant out for you is a warrant for your arrest, and unless you act fast to ensure that your warrant is lifted, it may soon result in you being taken into custody. This would not, of course, be a good outcome in regards to your means of living, as you could not continue to drive with your CDL from behind bars. If you are hopeful to avoid arrest if at all possible, by ensuring that your warrant is lifted, give Jack Byno & Associates a call. Our lawyers may lift your warrant for you, if you are eligible, as well as post bond for you. Please contact me to learn more.