Are you a trucker or other professional driver recently written a CDL or trucking violation by police in Dalworthington Gardens, Texas? Are you worried about your charges ending up as points on your otherwise clean driving record? You very well may be, as you are required by your employer to keep your record clean. Lest points be applied permanently to your record (which is what will happen if you plead guilty to your Dalworthington Gardens CDL violation) you may opt to dispute your charges in court. Traffic ticket law firm Jack Byno & Associates, with over 20 years of experience in Tarrant County, may help you challenge your CDL violation in court; it is not a task that you must attempt on your own.
It is a serious thing to be pulled over by police in Tarrant County, Texas, no matter if one holds a commercial driver’s license or Class C license. But your situation may soon become even more serious than it already is should you fail to respond to your Dalworthington Gardens CDL violation in due time. If you do, the Dalworthington Gardens Municipal Court may find cause to issue you a traffic warrant. A traffic warrant issued for you is just as serious as it sounds, and has the potential to result in your arrest if allowed to remain active. Are you hoping to steer clear of arrest if at all possible, by ensuring that your warrant is lifted? Then pick up the phone and give Jack Byno & Associates a call. Among other services provided, our attorneys offer to lift traffic warrants and post bonds on behalf of our eligible clients. We may do the same for you, if you are eligible. Contact me today for additional info.