It is a serious thing to be written a traffic ticket in Roanoke, Texas, no matter whether you happen to hold a commercial driver’s license or Class C license. But in the case that you do hold a commercial driver’s license, you may be especially concerned about a CDL or trucking violation that you have received in Roanoke. You may have been issued it at a D.O.T. stop or on the highway, for speeding or for a vehicle-related offense. If you would rather challenge your Roanoke CDL violation (in hopes of protecting your clean record) than plead guilty to it, you may do so with assistance provided by a legal professional, such as an attorney with Jack Byno & Associates. We are a traffic ticket law firm with over 20 years of experience in Denton County.
If you do not respond to your Roanoke CDL or trucking violation by the date that it is due, your situation may become even more serious than it already is. The Roanoke Municipal Court, which does not tolerate overdue citations of any kind, may find cause to issue you a traffic warrant. A traffic warrant out for you is a warrant for your arrest. Unless you act fast to ensure that it is lifted, it may eventually result in your arrest and incarceration, and maybe the loss of your livelihood. Among other legal services provided, Jack Byno & Associates offers to lift warrants and post bonds on behalf of eligible clients. We may be retained to carry out these services on your behalf, of you are an eligible CDL driver. Please contact me to learn more.