The Crowley, Texas Police Department (and officers elsewhere in Tarrant County) works to ensure that all motorists are abiding by traffic law. Should any driver be caught breaking the law, he or she may be subjected to a traffic stop and written a citation. Maybe you have been issued a traffic ticket in the City of Crowley, while holding your commercial driver’s license. As a CDL driver, you are most likely required by your employer to maintain your clean driving record. If you are interested in disputing your Crowley CDL violation in court, therefore, you do not have to do so on your own.
It is your right to seek legal counsel in the disputation of your Crowley CDL violation, no matter if you received your charges on the highway or at a D.O.T. stop. Jack Byno & Associates, a traffic ticket law firm that specializes in defending against CDL and trucking violations written in Tarrant County, Texas, may be retained to provide you with that counsel, as well as representation in court. We may also be of help to you in the case that you have allowed your charges to go past due, without responding to them at all. If your CDL violation is now overdue, and if the Crowley Municipal Court has issued you a traffic warrant as a penalty, our lawyers may help you avoid arrest by lifting your warrant for you. We may also post bond for you, as a promise to represent you later in court. Please contact me to learn more.