On a daily basis in Arlington, Texas, law enforcement works to ensure that all motorists are abiding by traffic law. Should any driver, CDL or Class C, be caught breaking the law, he or she may be subjected to a traffic stop and written a citation. Let’s say that you are one such motorist recently written a CDL or trucking violation by law enforcement in Arlington. Maybe you were for a vehicle violation at a D.O.T. stop, or maybe for a moving violation on the highway. No matter the reason behind the issuance of your Arlington CDL violation, if you are hoping to protect your clean driving record from points, you may do so with assistance provided by Jack Byno & Associates.
We are a traffic ticket law firm with more than 20 years of experience in Tarrant County, Texas, and specialize in defending against traffic tickets written to drivers all across North Texas. While we may be hired to defend against your Arlington CDL violation, we may also be of service to you in the instance that you have been issued a traffic warrant by the Arlington Municipal Court. Maybe you were for allowing your CDL violation to become overdue. Lest you soon be arrested because of your warrant, you may want to act fast to get it lifted. Jack Byno & Associates may also assist you in this endeavor. If you are an eligible motorist, we may even lift your warrant for you, as well as post bond for you. Please contact me to find out more.