On a daily basis in Grand Prairie, Texas, drivers of both Class C and commercial status are pulled over and written traffic tickets for violating traffic law. It may be a stressful experience to be written a citation no matter what class license you hold, but it is perhaps more stressful for the commercial motorist than for the Class C driver. This is for the fact that CDL holders, who include commercial truckers, are usually mandated by their employers to keep their driving records clean. Fot this reason, if you have been written a CDL violation in the City of Grand Prairie, you may now be looking to challenge your charges, as opposed to pleading guilty to them.
The Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno is a traffic ticket law firm that may assist you in the disputation of your Grand Prairie CDL violation. We may also be of service to you in the case that you have allowed your ticket to go past due, without responding to it at all. If this is the situation you find yourself in, and if the Grand Prairie Municipal Court has consequently issued you a traffic warrant, you may now be looking to steer clear of arrest, if at all possible. As it happens, there is a way that you may avoid arrest, and this is by acting fast to get your traffic warrant lifted. Jack Byno & Associates may assist you in lifting your warrant, if you are eligible, and may also post bond for you. For more information, please contact me.