Every day in Dallas County, Texas, including in the City of Glenn Heights, law enforcement keeps close watch over traffic flow to ensure that all drivers are abiding by traffic law. Should any driver be caught disregarding the law, he or she may be subjected to a traffic stop and written a citation. Have you been written a traffic ticket in Glenn Heights, Texas? Perhaps you were for speeding, or for another moving or vehicle-related offense. You may even have been written one at a D.O.T. stop, in the case that you hold a CDL. If you have been written a Glenn Heights CDL violation, you may be worried about your charges ending up as points on your driving record, which you must keep clean for work purposes.
The Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno, a traffic ticket law firm with over 20 years of experience in Dallas County, Texas, may be able to help you keep your driving record clean, by challenging your CDL violation in court. We may also be of service to you in the case that your charges have already gone into warrant. You may have been issued a traffic warrant by the Glenn Heights Municipal Court if you failed to respond to your charges by the date that they were due. Lest you be taken into custody over your warrant, you must act quickly to get it lifted. Jack Byno & Associates may assist you in lifting your warrant, and may also post bond for you as a promise to represent you later in court. Contact me for additional details.