It can be a stressful situation to be pulled over by Dallas County police and written a traffic ticket. It may be especially stressful in the case that you hold a commercial driver’s license (CDL). If you do hold a CDL, and have been written a CDL or trucking violation in the City of Duncanville, Texas, you may be worried about your citation ending up on your driving record. As a professional motorist, you are probably mandated by your employer to keep your driving record clean. For this reason, and no matter if you were written your ticket at a D.O.T. stop, you may be looking to challenge your Duncanville CDL violation in court, as opposed to pleading guilty.
Upon the issuance of your CDL violation in Duncanville, Texas, it becomes your responsibility to respond to your charges by the date that they are due. If you fail to respond to your charges, neither challenging them nor pleading guilty, the Duncanville Municipal Court may take notice. The court does not tolerate overdue citations of any kind, and may be prompted to issue you a traffic warrant as a penalty for yours. Before your traffic warrant results in your arrest, and maybe even the loss of your career, you must act quickly to ensure that it is lifted. This is a task that the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno may assist you in accomplishing. Our lawyers may even lift your warrant for you, should you be qualified, and may also post bond for you. Contact me today to find out more.