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DeSoto CDL Defense Attorney

On Behalf of | Jul 17, 2015 | CDL, Traffic Attorney, Traffic Lawyer |

Every day in DeSoto, Texas, law enforcement works tirelessly, day and night, to ensure that all motorists are abiding by traffic law. Should any driver be found to be violating the law, that driver may be subjected to a traffic stop and written a ticket. Perhaps you were recently written a traffic ticket in DeSoto, while holding your CDL. No matter if you were written your DeSoto CDL violation at a D.O.T. stop or elsewhere along your route, you may be interested in challenging your charges, as opposed to pleading guilty to them. This is because points will be applied to your driving record if you plead guilty to your charges, thus placing your career is jeopardy. Traffic ticket law firm Jack Byno & Associates may assist you in challenging your charges, so that your record may be protected.

Upon being written your DeSoto, Texas CDL or trucking violation, it becomes your responsibility to respond to your charges by the date that they are due. If you fail to respond to your charges, neither challenging them nor pleading guilty, they may eventually fall into warrant. In other words, the DeSoto Municipal Court, as a penalty for your past-due ticket, may issue you a traffic warrant as a penalty. A traffic warrant issued for you is a warrant for your arrest. It will lead to your arrest, eventually, unless you act quickly to ensure that it is lifted. Jack Byno & Associates may be able to assist you in lifting your warrant, and may also post bond for you. Contact me today for additional details.

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