Each and every day in Bulcher, Texas and surrounding Cooke County towns, law enforcement pulls over and writes traffic tickets to motorists caught breaking traffic law. If you have been written a traffic ticket in the City of Bulcher, while holding your commercial driver’s license (CDL), you may be more concerned about your violation than the average, Class C motorist would be. This is for the fact that CDL drivers, who include truckers and bus drivers, are generally required by their employers to maintain their clean driving records. If you would like to protect your driving record against points otherwise accumulated over your Bulcher CDL violation, your ticket must be challenged, not pleaded guilty to. Traffic ticket law firm Jack Byno & Associates may assist you in doing so.
A traffic ticket law firm with over 20 years of experience in Bulcher, Texas, Jack Byno & Associates may be retained to assist you in the disputation of your Bulcher CDL violation. We may do so by either pleading your case for a favorable deal, or by fighting your charges at trial. If you do not opt to challenge your violation, nor plead guilty to it by the date that it is due to the court, it may fall into warrant. In other words, the Bulcher Municipal Court may issue you a traffic warrant as a penalty for your past-due citation. Please be advised, a traffic warrant issued for you is a warrant for your arrest. Unless you act quickly to ensure that your warrant is lifted, it may eventually lead to your arrest and incarceration. A law office that holds the authority to lift warrants and post bonds on behalf of its eligible clients, Jack Byno & Associates may be able to carry out these services on your behalf, so that you may avoid arrest. Contact me for more information.